Atualizado em 16 de novembro de 2022 às 17:43

Welcome Day UFCA 2022

PEC-G Class 2022

The Welcome Day UFCA is an meeting that takes place annually, at the beginning of the first semester, to welcome international students. The event usually takes place over the course of a day, when in the morning there is a presentation by the International Cooperation Office and other sectors that are directly connected to the academic daily life of freshmen in order to present the activities, programs and projects developed at UFCA. During the afternoon, a visit to the Campus of Juazeiro do Norte is carried out to learn about the Campus facilities and the location of the sectors presented during the morning and forward the delivery of documentation for enrollment at the university.

About this meeting

At the opportunity we will receive four new international students. Due to the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, the international student reception event was not carried out in 2021. That is why we are also including in the freshman list, a student who joined the 2021/1 class.
Main objectives of the event: To integrate new PEC-G students into UFCA; present the opportunities and possibilities that UFCA offers to PEC-G students; bring incoming PEC-G students closer to veterans; bring some academic sectors closer to novice PEC-G students (related to their daily student life).

Source: International Cooperation Office – UFCA