The Exchange Program for Undergraduate Students (PEC-G), officially created in 1965, provides students from developing countries with which Brazil maintains educational, cultural or scientific and technological agreements the opportunity to pursue their undergraduate studies in Brazilian Higher Education Institutions (HEIs).

PEC-G is administered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE), through the Division of Educational Themes (DCE), and the Ministry of Education (MEC), in partnership with HEIs throughout the country.

For general information (in English, in Spanish or in French), please visit:

The Universidade Federal do Cariri (UFCA) receives students from several countries annually through the PEC-G. If you intend to choose UFCA as a destination and have any questions, please contact:

PEC-G Benefits at UFCA

By the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE):

PEC-G students may apply to receive scholarships and/or their return ticket home at the end of their course from the Brazilian Government, in some specific cases.

Merit Scholarship

Offered to PEC-G students with remarkable academic performance after their first year of graduation studies in Brazil. In addition to the monthly grant, students can also receive the return airfare to their home country after completing graduation.

Emergency Scholarship

Offered in exceptional cases, to PEC-G students who find themselves extreme financial hardship of unexpected order.

Air return ticket

In some cases, DCE may grant the graduated student the air ticket to their country of origin.

All DCE/MRE scholarships are granted for a period of one semester (six months), subject to renewal.

By the Ministry of Education (MEC):

The Ministry of Education (MEC) also grants scholarships to PEC-G students of federal universities, through the Milton Santos Project for Access to Higher Education (Promisaes).

For further information, please visit:

CELPE-BRAS (Portuguese Proficiency Certificate) at UFCA

Foreign students applying for PEC-G must present the Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese as a Foreign Language – Celpe-Bras. The candidate from a country where there is no Celpe-Bras will take the examination in Brazil only once after the conclusion of the Portuguese as a Foreign Language course preparatory to the Celpe-Bras, in any accredited HEI.

The candidate who fails the Celpe-Bras taken in Brazil will not be able to participate of the PEC-G, his/her registration will be considered invalid and the stay in Brazil will be terminated.

For further information, please visit:


Brazilian federal research funding agencies, CNPq and CAPES, provide scholarships for foreign Master and Doctoral students, for several countries.

All the information about the program and requirements to apply are available at:

DCE/MRE website:

Brazilian federal research funding agencies, CNPq and CAPES, provide scholarships for foreign Master and Doctoral students, for several countries.

Foreign students interested in applying to a graduate program via PEC-PG at UFCA must get in touch directly with a faculty member of the program so as to know how to apply and ask for an acceptance letter.

PEC-G Panel